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Prophecy for the Last Days Church

We believe that God is currently giving dreams, visions and prophecies that affect the whole body of Christ in the last days. If the Lord is showing you something that needs to be shared please send it to us and after prayer we will post it on this site if we believe it is of the Lord. We want to publish what God is saying to his people world wide. send all your dreams. visions or prophecies to:prophecy@propheticjournal.net



MAKE DISCIPLES: A Word from the Lord

by Sandy Burress

      You are disciples of the one you follow. Catholics are disciples of Catholicism, Methodists of Methodism....etc...... Men are followers of men for the most part.. If we are disciples of Christ then we are followers of His Word. Jesus said " My sheep know my voice"....what do you think that means? His voice come through the Spirit, but always bears witness to the Word. If it is a voice contrary to the Word, then it is the voice of another. If we follow that voice, then we are followers of another. The problem is that most Christians or professing Christians have not learned to hear that voice. Beware! Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing! How clever is their disguise and HOW MEN TRUST THEM AS THEY LEAD THEM TO THE SLAUGHTER!

     To see the problem......men have coerced an confession, but not made disciples. They have groomed the sheep for their own purposes. They have not taught them to my voice, but to hear their own. They have their own agenda. They excite the passions of men rather than blowing upon the coals of the Spirit. They have kept the flock wandering. They say " Over here, Over here", when I am not there. Those who love me will tend my sheep without charge. Those who love me want ultimately to hear " Well done good and faithful servant"....that is enough for them. I have called you to stand against the wind of false doctrine and expose it. Only the truth will set free, and it will only free those who are disciples of it.  So make disciples. You know my Word. I am with you. Do not second guess yourself. Only compare what you hear with the Word and you will not go wrong. James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. Go into the highways and byways and get the ones nobody wants. Down into the stink and filth of rejected souls I have called you. The ones who have no hope.

     Into the darkness and plunder the caches of Satan's disciples. Break the back of the strongman by the power of my Word. Have you noticed that the anointing of  my Spirit is strongest when you speak to such people? Can you see that I have allowed you to be raised in humble circumstances. That you have been allowed to feel the oppression of the enemy and have had to lean wholly upon the Lord your God? Out of  hopelessness hope will be born. Out of darkness great light will come. Out of confusion.......order. Out of chaos and  calamity......compassion for the suffering. Stars shine brightest against the darkest night. Take my Word to them and walk by faith. Keep pointing men toward me and do not allow them to follow you, or you will be guilty.



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